A woman’s life changes forever after the birth of her child. Whether it is a natural birth or an operative one, the enormous physiological and emotional changes are compulsory for the woman to take the avatar of a mother.
This being said, let us know some facts about this. The period following the delivery of a newborn is called the puerperium. Technically speaking, it is the time from the delivery of the placenta through the first six weeks after the delivery. It is the time when most of the changes of pregnancy, labor, and delivery resolve, and the body returns to the non-pregnant state.
The physiological changes which occur in puerperium are
1. Changes in the size of the uterus- an organ weighing approximately 1 kg recedes to 50-100 grams, all in the six weeks period. Initially, after delivery, there is bleeding due to contraction of the uterus which soon changes into a brown and then a white discharge.
2. Changes in breasts- the breasts also undergo changes to feed the newborn.
Colostrum is produced by the breasts for the first 2-4 days which is laden with proteins and is very protective for the baby.
3 . Changes in the perineum in the case of natural childbirth in the form of healing of the swelling and redness due to a cut in perineum, the episiotomy site. In the case of caesarian delivery, the abdominal wound heals during the puerperal phase.
Puerperium is the time when utmost attention should be paid to the hygiene and nutrition of the new mother. The medicines- painkillers, antibiotics, and supplements should be taken regularly as advised by the doctor.
In some cases however there may be some complications during this period. Some of these are:
1. Puerperal sepsis is when the mother suffers from high-grade fever during puerperium.
2. Postpartum hemorrhage: Excessive blood loss during puerperium. The mother should be immediately shifted to the hospital in care of the treating doctor.
3. Breast engorgement, inflammation, or abscess.
4. Failed lactation
5. Puerperal venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are severe life-threatening complications warranting immediate medical care
6. Obstetric palsies such as footdrop
7. Postpartum depression: occurs in as many as 50% of women during the postpartum period.
8. Postpartum psychosis or schizophrenia: occurs in less than 1% of women
All the complications of puerperium are preventable if the woman is under adequate medical care and is dealt with sympathy along with adequate nutrition and hygiene. Support of the spouse and counseling of the couple during pregnancy plays an important role in this crucial phase.
In short, the time after childbirth is a beautiful destination in the journey of life of a woman which can be made even more pleasant by the support of a doctor as well as the family.